Team Coboaters
- May 12, 2022
How Is Coboaters Different than others?
Coboaters offers an accessible, high-quality, and innovative website for crewseekers and boats owners. A perfect sailing network.
Team Coboaters
- Nov 12, 2021
Why is Coboaters a paid service?
This post explains why Coboaters is a paid service. You will learn how we manage our services and what the benefits are.
Team Coboaters
- Nov 8, 2021
Coboaters vs Facebook : Why do we connect boating enthusiasts better than Facebook ever could?
Learn why you will likely find a boat or a crew on Coboaters when you will probably stay on shore if you rely on Facebook.
Team Coboaters
- Nov 5, 2021
What are the benefits for Coboaters members?
CoBoaters is a community for boating enthusiasts, crew seekers and boat owners. It is a network to find a boat, find a crew and to make...
Team Coboaters
- Nov 5, 2021
A CoBoater’s experience: Elisabeth Shares Her Experience, Recommendations & Enthusiasm
Crew finder network allowed Elisabeth to sail across the ocean. She shares her recommendations and enthusiasm
Team Coboaters
- Sep 1, 2021
Looking for a partner? Is, a dating website?
We received this message some time ago: "Hello Team Coboaters, I do not want to be a Coboaters member anymore because I met a charming...